Red Earth Publishing

Publisher of Mike McFerron's Music

Kreutzer Fantasy

Catalog ID: 1010
Price: violin, cello, and piano
Duration:ca. 9'
Price: 25.00
Kreutzer Fantasy for violin, cello, and piano was inspired by Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 Kreutzer Sonata. Janacek's composition was inspired by Tolstoy's eponymous novella which in turn was inspired by Beethoven's sonata for violin and piano. While composing this work, I rediscovered Janacek's quartet and was amazed by his capacity for juxtaposing disparate musical ideas to create a dramatic work of art. Kreutzer Fantasy presents three distinct musical characters who struggle to define their identity.

Because this work has a limited harmonic vocabulary, it exploits contrasts of dynamics and rhythm. Although not entirely monothematic, Kreutzer Fantasy builds upon my recent compositional explorations that conserve musical materials and create a dramatic musical structure. Kreutzer Fantasy was completed in 2004.