Red Earth Publishing

Publisher of Mike McFerron's Music

Hymnus Cherubicus

Catalog ID: 1048
Price: SATB and Soprano Solo
Price: 2.00
The text of this motet has a long history in the church as well as in concert settings. It has been set by composers such as Tchaikovsky, Ippoloitov-Ivanov, Bortniansky, and Grechaninov. Generally associated with eastern orthodox liturgies, The Cherubic Hymn is sung at the pivotal moment in the Divine Liturgy in Orthodox Churches. It represents the blending of the worship of the Earthly Church with the Heavenly worship as described in the biblical book of The Revelation of St. John. The text also exists in the Roman Catholic tradition as part of the feast of St. Dennis. This composition is written for and dedicated to the Lewis University Choir. Qui Cherubim mystice imitamur et vivificae Trinitatis ter sanctum hymnus offerimus, omnem nunc mundanam deponamus sollicitudinem sicuti regem omnium suscepturi cui ab angelicis invisibiliter ministratur ordinibus, alleluia Translation: Let us, who mystically represent the Cherubim, and who sing to the Life-giving Trinity the thrice holy hymn, put away all earthly cares so as to receive the King of all things escorted by the army of angels. Alleluia.