...apprehension of the eternal will was written in 2017. The title is taken from Rabindranath Tagore's essay "The Relation of the Individual to the Universe" from Sadhana (1915), and was inspired by his work as well as Pope Francis' encyclical, "Laudato Si," written one hundred years later. Like Pope Francis' disquisition, the topic of Tagore's work is ostensibly a warning about the disconnect between humanity and nature; however, also like Pope Francis' work, Tagore's essay more covertly confronts the larger topic of humanity's syzygy to the spirit, to the divine, to the infinite, and to each other.
Throughout this piano work, a struggle exists to find congruence between a prescribed infinite series and an intuitive musical construction. The purpose is not to accentuate differences or examine a relationship built upon isolation, but instead to observe and respect the kinship established by growing with, growing into, and nourishing each other.